Improvement of intangible assets' value
through human capital management
With our stakeholders, to realize customers' "earning power" and "future well-being society,"
WellGo utilizes technology and supports heath and productivity management.
Health, Safety
We make full use of WellGo's platform to validate our health management. In 2022, we obtained "Bright 500" in the "2022 health management excellent cooperations."
As well as METI’s "Health management degree survey", for effective evaluation of the outcomes of health and productivity management measures, we continue to strive to widen and improve convenience of our services

WellGo is preparing a workplace where women can develop their careers without difficulties: Male to female ratio is 6:4 in sales sector and and 3:7 in the executive. There are also non-Japanese employees. We offer multilingual support and operate business with consideration for users' personal information and privacy.